Change Log for GamParse 1.6.1.x Versions - November 16, 2018

-Fixed (hopefully) some install problems caused by switching from Visual Studio 2015 to 2017. - November 14, 2018

-Set errors not to show by default (temporarily)
-Set errors not to be reported by default (temporarily)
-Renamed error options under General Options to be more clear.
-Added partial parsing of the new heal messages.

NOTE: The new heal messages will ONLY report the Actual (first) heal value. Nothing else is parsed in this version. There is no change in actual functionality yet. - November 1, 2018

-Tanking graphs added to new graphing system.
-Added a few missing melee discs to be parsed.
-Fixed error saving default server to save file.
-Better server name detection.
-when exporting a single fight, server name is now in the filename.
-Fix "Total" and "Reverse DS" not showing when exporting using class names.
-Fix couple other small bugs
-Prevent working on Beta server due to a large number of changes that break functionality.