Install Options

GamSettingsMover comes in two flavors: Standalone and Installer.

The standalone Exe does not require installation and is a single executable file you download and run. It will not check if your computer meets the prerequisite requirements nor will it check for new updates to the program.

The installer will first check if your computer meets the prerequisite requirements and if not, will prompt you to download and install them. Once the prerequisites are met it will install onto your computer in the current users app folder and create a shortcut on the desktop and/or startmenu to launch. Each time the program launches it will check the server for updates and if one is found you will be prompted to update. If you accept the update will be downloaded and installed without any further involvement from you.


GamSettingsMover has 1 prerequistie:

Both the standalone and installer options require Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6. This comes preinstalled with Microsoft Windows 10, so if you are using Windows 10, you do not need to install this. Previous versions of Windows such as Vista, 7, or 8 will need this installed. It can be installed via Windows Update or manually:

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6:

Note: This can only be installed on Windows Vista Service Pack 2 (SP2) or higher. This means GamSettingsMover will NOT work on any version of Windows XP, Vista RTM, or Vista SP1.

Using GamSettingsMover

When you start the program you will be prompted to select your EverQuest program file. This will allow GamSettingsMover to know where to look for your settings files. It will try all the standard locations that EverQuest is installed to make it easier to find. If you have installed to an alternate directory you should be comfortable finding the location yourself.

Once your Source EverQuest directory has been found you can then select a Destination EverQuest Directory if you are copying your files into a different EverQuest Folder such as for the Test or Beta servers. This is done via File > Select Destination EQ Folder. If you do not specify a new destination folder it will default into the same folder as the Source EQ Folder.

Now that the folders are selected, you need to choose which server your character started on. Select your server from the drop down list.

When your server has been selected, your character list will be populated. Select your character from the list. This will also autofill in the Character Rename box. If your character name will be changing, delete the name from the box and enter the new name.

Now you should select the server you are changing to, or select that you are staying on the same server if you are just changing character name.

If you are changing your character name, type in the changed name now. If you are only changing server, you can leave the character name the same.

GamSettingsMover will check that you are at least changing the server or the character name, though you can also change both. The copy button will not be available until you have all areas selected correctly.

View the suggested changes, and if you are happy with them all, click the button "Copy settings files" which will complete the process.

If you had existing files that would be overwritten, you will see a popup box for each one showing you where the old files were backed up to. The restore from backup will be a manual task so be very sure of your selections before copying.

For further assistance, please post in the support forum.